Music to Cure MS


opera, songs, chamber music
to support the Accelerated Cure Project for Multiple Sclerosis

ACP logo






Sunday, October 30, 2022, 3-5 pm
Recent YouTube concert


This year's concert is FREE!
(with any donation you can afford)


Print out and post flyers

  • Download Karen Amlaw's flyer (PDF), and post it everywhere.
  • Mail it to your friends.
  • Tape it to your car window .
  • Create a better flyer, and share it with everyone!

2017 poster (sample)

Another option:

If you can print cards, choose Avery 83987 (Post Cards), and print this one in Word)... some businesses don't have room for a full flyer, but will be glad to post a little card!

Concert post card


site by to support the Accelerated Cure Project for Multiple Sclerosis