Music to Cure MS


opera, songs, chamber music
to support the Accelerated Cure Project for Multiple Sclerosis

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Our 19th annual concert:
Visit our YouTube channel to see and hear the concert!

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Ja, du weißtes, teure Seele,

Daß ich fern von dir mich quäle,

Liebe macht die Herzen krank,

Habe Dank.

Yes, you well know, dearest soul,

That far from you I torment myself,

Love makes the heart sicken,

Have my thanks.

Einst hielt ich, der Freiheit Zecher,

Hoch den Amethysten-Becher,

Und du segnetest den Trank,

Habe Dank.

Revelling in freedom, once I held

Aloft the amethyst goblet,

And you blessed that drink,

Have my thanks.

Und beschworst darin die Bösen,

Bis ich, was ich nie gewesen,

heilig, heilig an's Herz dir sank,

Habe Dank.

And therein you invoked bad times,

Till I, (where I had never been before)

Sank, holy, holy, into your heart,

Have my thanks.

Donor Pages
Donate through the
Accelerated Cure Project
web site.

site by to support the Accelerated Cure Project for Multiple Sclerosis