Music to Cure MS


opera, songs, chamber music
to support the Accelerated Cure Project for Multiple Sclerosis

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Our 19th annual concert:
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La mi sola, Laureola

Fernando Obradors

La mi sola, Laureola by Spaniard Fernando Obradors, a largely self-taught composer, conductor, and pianist.
Read more on Obradors and La mi sola

La mi sola, Laureola
La mi sola, sola, sola,
Yo el cautivo Leriano
Aunque mucho estoy ufano
Herido de aquella mano
Que en el mundo es una sola.

La mi sola Laureola
La mi sola, sola, sola.

My one and only, Laureola
My one and only, only, only,
I’m the captive Leriano
Even though I’m very proud
I’m wounded by that hand
Of which in the whole world, there is only one.

My one and only, Laureola
My one and only, only.

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Accelerated Cure Project
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site by to support the Accelerated Cure Project for Multiple Sclerosis